Oliver Smith



Any hidden talents?

I'm pretty funny sometimes I guess... Don't mind a pun or two, but that's punderstandable.

Role in The Revue?


Whats your favourite thing about being involved with the Revue so far?

The people, we're going in with a fresh cast and they've taken it stride by stride, we've got a great bunch of energetic and talented performers, and I can't wait to get on stage with them

Any wise words for Yo Pros interested in doing Revue next year?

It is a lot of fun, especially for me who never really did much drama in school and regrets it later in life. If you're in the same boat, come on, get out of your comfort zone, what have you got to lose!?

You have 50 in your pocket on a Friday night out where would you go?

Probably hit up the classic and see a show (Don't know why autocorrect wanted to changed that to shoe...).
But really it doesn't really matter where you go, as long as you're with the right people and the drinks are cost effective.