Any hidden talents?
I once watched all 10 seasons of Supernatural over one summer, it was around 240 episodes at 40mins each. I'm very skilled at powering through TV shows.
Role in The Revue?
Whats your favourite thing about being involved with the Revue so far?
Meeting a new group of amazing, hard-working people who are always up for some fun!
Any wise words for Yo Pros interested in doing Revue next year?
Definitely just give it a go, come along to a couple rehearsals and see if it's for you. You will contribute to funny skit ideas and have the opportunity to showcase your skills and/or gain some confidence performing in front of other people.
You have 50 in your pocket on a Friday night out where would you go?
I would either go get a metre of pizza from Presto Pizza (seriously, check them out they are amazing) or would venture into a karaoke bar and showcase my flawless ability to sing/rap Butterfly from Crazy Town.