Marketing Assistant
Any hidden talents?
Flexible fingers, origami samurai hats, and knowing obscure celebrity facts (Megan Fox has toe's a condition).
Role in The Revue?
Whats your favourite thing about being involved with the Revue so far?
Working alongside like-minded people and being creative! You grow up having hobbies and as soon as you enter the workforce it's easy to let them go, it's fun tapping in to the things I used to love to do.
Any wise words for Yo Pros interested in doing Revue next year?
Don't be scared or put off if it's out of your comfort zone. For the majority of us it is, but in the long-run it is so worth it!
You have 50 in your pocket on a Friday night out where would you go?
Drinks and dancing! While making sure my chicken nugget fund for the end of the night is still in tact...