Niall McCarthy


Learning Partner

Any hidden talents?

When drunk (which is most of the time) I can do the splits, twerk, cartwheel, perform in 9-inch heels and WHIP this hair back and forth!

Role in The Revue?


Whats your favourite thing about being involved with the Revue so far?

That I feel completely comfortable to be ME. As EXTRA as I am at times, I feel welcome and not "too much" of a personality for people. I'm learning things about myself I never knew and growing as a person. Plus I get a spotlight and a stage, yaaaaas hunny! I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and so with this, I'm building character.
Most importantly, I'm meeting and connecting with amazing people that I would've otherwise never connected with. I truly love getting to know everyone and I'm making life-long friends.

Any wise words for Yo Pros interested in doing Revue next year?

Feckin' do it!! Just come along and check it out, watch the show this year to really give you a flavour of what we do.. the best part is, we; the cast and crew design the show! We're empowered to drive the outcomes which are unique from any other high production stage show around.

You have 50 in your pocket on a Friday night out where would you go?

DUMPLINGS ON DOMINION! Then wash them down with 3 pints of Guinness at the Claire Inn