Jessi Falloon


TV Analytics Specialist

Any hidden talents?

Well, it's not so hidden now, but I sketch like an absolute BOSS

Role in The Revue?

Backstage Crew

Whats your favourite thing about being involved with the Revue so far?

How far outside my comfort zone it's taken me. I've been able to work on and improve parts of myself since joining the Revue crew that I wouldn't have been able to do without a bunch of borderline insane people pushing me to come out of my shell.

Any wise words for Yo Pros interested in doing Revue next year?

Cliche, but give it a go. What's the worst thing that could happen? Even if you're super shy and introverted like me, there is always a place for you here. If you want a second family for half a year (and hopefully beyond), get in on this.

You have 50 in your pocket on a Friday night out where would you go?

I'd bum $35 off a mate and head to Caluzzi's on K'Rd